PowerPoint discussing the positive and negative actions of Henry VIII. During the PowerPoint I got students involved by showing thumbs up or thumbs down during each slide to give their opinion on his actions.
Sorting activity has 2 levels. The colour coded (red and green) are for lower ability students (I used a red and green hoop for them to sort them into).
The black outlined cards are for more able students.
Ideally this resource is for SEND students or the lower ability students in a mainstream class.
I did this with my ASC class to teach about Hanukkah. We sang the song (to the tune of London Bridge is falling down) with visuals (e.g. with dreidels) for each section of the song.
Students then completed task related to the song.
Low ability- Matched a symbol to an object (photographs taken for evidence)
Middle ability- Colourful semantic sentences
High ability- wrote sentences using communication board
The work was aimed at ASC students with high needs.
Various activities to go with the songbook-
Great English work for song/music motivated SEND students
Colourful semantics
communication board
Adapted books-Use the comprehension symbols to help students answer questions on the text